Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nooks and Crannies - Day 0

The day has arrived to post the dreaded "before" pictures. Yep I feel the pit in my stomach...you'll be able to see the pit in my stomach soon enough. Lets just get this over with. First I'm making a face like a deer caught in headlights because I absolutely hate pictures. I can try to smile at social events but even those pictures don't turn out that great. I personally think that the way I look in the mirror and the way I look in pictures is totally different. Not to sound conceded but seriously I look way better in person than in any pictures (or at least that's what I believe and seriously folks that's all that matters ).

The program requires that you do a physical fitness test before you start but I wasn't able to do that. Later today I'll do the test, take some measurements and post the results. (I'm super excited)

Here's the front view - I don't really think I look half bad except for the look on my face (whatever):
So the first thing I want to change is that dumb flab below my belly button. Even at 115 pounds I had that stupid fat there. It serves no other purpose than flopping over the front of my jeans.

I also want to slim down my thighs and calves (tree trunk legs - told you so).

Let me just blame the bathing suit on Pat - he picked it out. He also forgot to remind me to take off my lovely argyle socks.

Now that I'm looking at these pics closer I think Pat took them at a weird angle because my legs don't look as huge as they really are. You can't appreciate my tree trunks in all their full glory at this angle. Tomorrow I'll get a straight on angle so you'll be shocked and awed by these massive limbs.

Check out the side views:

Here is where the nooks and crannies start coming out. My thighs are needing some serious cellulite help. Again see the fat under my belly button (stupid fat - doesn't even keep me warm or anything. Just sits there and takes up prime real estate on my midsection). Yep I have bad posture - going to the chiro for it so don't judge.

Here it is folks the super duper "Nook and Cranny" special - The butt view:
Isn't it wonderful? Its like my butt has double chins. That's what I'm working with.

Pat has decided to do the workout with me and I wish I could take before pictures of him but he refused to try on my bikini and he won't let me buy him a Speedo. Maybe one day he'll let me take the pic.

We did our first workout today and it was awesome! It was a little awkward because the moves were new and we didn't really know how heavy to go. Tomorrow is a Cardio workout - I can't wait to see Pat's face for this one.

I ordered Chalene's "Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite" program for some extra Cardio - I should get it tomorrow so I'll let you know how that one is too :)

See ya!


  1. My mom read the post and she noticed that I was positioned perfectly for the plant on the shelf behind me to make my head look like a pineapple. Take a look its really funny.

  2. Hey! Combining Chalean Extreme and Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite will be a complete caloric burn and fat buster. You will definitely enjoy it!

  3. Cool I can't wait to start Turbo Jam!
