Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week of Excess

It's been a little while since my last post and since then a lot of not-so-healthy stuff has happened. I took a little vacation from work because my parents and sister arrived from Florida on Thursday.

I was doing great at first. My sister has embarked on the P90x adventure so she brought her dvd set with her so we could work out together. We did the one hour long core workout. It was fantastic. It was chock full of push-ups and crazy core wrenching moves. We sweated and laughed at each other. That was the end of my good start.

We went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and of course there was the dreaded basket of chips and salsa waiting for us on the table. It wasn't until there were three chips left in the basket that I had the bright idea to move the stupid basket to the other side of the table. As my real meal I ate two small bean burritos and a bowl of black bean soup. Not the most unhealthy choices I could make but I definitely overate. It doesn't end here. The question of dessert came up. According to my older sister the most wonderful cupcakes are sold just down the road at a quaint little bakery. Who can resist "the most wonderful cupcakes" ? So we went. One cupcake can't be too dangerous. No it wasn't, but when you have my other sister and I going into a bakery full of carbs we become the dangerous ones. Lets see - we ordered two cupcakes (one that was supposedly for my father), a mini brownie mud pie, and a chocolate chocolate chip sandwich. We did save a little face by not devouring every last morsel but it was still early in the day. After stuffing our faces we went back home, took a two hour nap, and psychologically prepared ourselves for dinner.

Thai food. Wonderful wonderful Thai food. A whole buffet of Thai food at the house. Then another round of dessert. Mind you this was only one day of excess...there's still 3 days to go.

Saturday - family party. Lots of drinking and not enough food in my system - a recipe for disaster. The occasion was my Grandmother's 90th birthday. She gave birth to 5 sons and 5 daughters and now has about 90 grandchildren and great grandchildren combined. So you can imagine my excitement of seeing all of these people that I don't see often. As soon as we walked in we did a celebratory shot (my stomach is turning right now). While everyone was somewhat pacing themselves I didn't. I hadn't eaten much all day because I expected to eat a ton at the party...but that didn't happen because my stupid self decides I don't have a damn appetite. The one day I NEEDED to have an appetite and it was gone. You can imagine what happened next. Well you'll have to use your imagination because unfortunately I don't remember what happened next. I remember being super duper happy then I remember crying. Everything in between is unknown. According to my loved ones I had a great time, they had a great time, no apologies are necessary.

I do owe a big apology to my body. Ugh I feel like I let myself down. Sunday was terrible. I couldn't stomach even a glass of water. My body turned against me. Later that day my appetite returned and I had some french toast and more Thai food for dinner (I love that stuff).

Monday - Atlantic City time. We went to Denny's for breakfast - nope I didn't make any healthy choices there. We gambled, I lost big, and then we ate at a buffet. Strangely enough I didn't feel like having more dessert. Here is when my body really decided to teach me a lesson - my immune system shut down and now I have a head cold. So today I feel like crap. I deserve it. It's all about Karma for trying to ruin my body temple.

I'm not going to work out this week because I think I just need to detox, relax, eat some healthy stuff and get ready for next week's workout.

I am curious to see what this week's excessive behavior has done to my body. Here are the measurements:

Right Bicep = 11.5" (1/4 inch loss)
Left Bicep = 11.5" (1/4 inch loss)
Chest = 35 (no change)
Above bellybutton - 28.25" (1/4 inch gain)
At bellybutton - 32.25" (3/4 inch gain- yikes)
Below bellybutton - 34.75" (no change)
Hips - 37.25" (no change)
Right Thigh - 23.5" (1/2" gain)
Left Thigh - 23" (1/4" gain)
Right calf - 16 "(no change)
Left calf - 15.75" (no change)

Last Monday I was 131.6 and today I'm 135.1 lbs. The result of my excessive behavior was as expected - gained 1.75" in the wrong places, lost 1/2 " in the wrong places and gained 3.5 lbs. Moral of the story - treat your body badly and you'll pay for it in the end- DUH!

I'm taking a nap - C ya.

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